Hello all, I have what I think to be an easy enough issue. I currently have a grid that has 14 columns and some of the columns labels are quite long. I was thinking there must be a way to force the label to wrap once it got to be so long, but to date I can't figure it out. Here is a piece of the code below, can someone please advise how to accomplish this task? Thank you all so much!
="LabelAboveValueAlignLeft" />
="Tax Code"/>
}" />
="EntityOrPropertyNumber" >
I can see that you are using a control inside the Label of the Field. We do not recommend this, as this can raise an exception - element is already a child element in the visual tree. Instead, you have to create a Style for the LabelPresenter and use Control Template.
Back to your problem, the Settings object of the Field exposes a LabelTextWrapping property, so why not using it?
I actually have an update. After further testing, the code i provided works, but for only the first column in the order. The column that works performs perfectly, but every column after that shows up blank and no label is present, it is blank. So my cells have data, but my label is nonexistent and you can't even manipulate the column as far as increasing/decreasing the size, it's like i deleted it.
So basically i'm stuck in the same boat as yesterday, i can't get my labels to wrap AND somehow the code i'm using causes them to dissapear as well. Thanks to anyone who can help Tamik and I out ha ha
I need the same functionality! Need help.