Which event should I subscribe to, to get a notification every time a pane's state changes to/from floating?
Is there a event on the xamDockManager itself? Or on the ContentPane?
Thanks in advance,Patrick
The ContentPane exposes a property named PaneLocation which indicates where the pane is currently located. There is currently no event specific to when this property changes but you could create your own attached events similar to what I described here for creating your own Pinned/Unpinned events. You may also be able to use the pane's ExecutedCommand event and check the e.Command against the ContentPaneCommand instances as well as using the PaneDragEnded event which would be invoked when the end user drags a pane to a new location.
Could you show me again the link that describe how to create own attached events for determine floating or docking status of content pane. The link above is died, I can not open it.
Thank you!