Is there the possibility to put summary in the grouped rows?Take the xamFeatureBrowser XamDataGrid-RowSummaries-CustomStyling example:1)Set Summary Diasplay Area to TOP2)Set Group by Display Area to DataRecordsOnly3)Drag Team column and group by Team: we see two grouped rows4)Expand the first row and see the summary row right below the grouped row.What I ask is: can i have the summaries directly in the grouped row?(or can I format the option -InGroupByRecords- in a way that allow correct horizontal positions of the summary text in the corresponding column?)Another question:I need to allow users to click on summary values to perform further actions based on the source column of the selected summary value in the grouped row selected.So I have to retrieve the source colum name and also navigate somehow the hierarchical tree of the groupBy to find all the parent groups if any.How can I navigate through the GroupBy tree?
Hi Alex, is there the possibility to fix the colums width (I have the columns visible above the groupByrecords, see the old project attacched) and avoid the right movement of the entire field column when adding fields to the groupbyAreaMulti area? That because I have a panel below the grid (showing elements that don't below to the datasource) that must be always aligned with the grid columns.
Thanks in advance, Valerio
Hi Alex,
How do i change this customization string( where is this stored).
Also is it possible to totally remove this text on summary row as i am displaying my custom summary
for groupby records.
Here is the link again.
You need to change the following customization string:
GroupByDescription_Format_OneChild - {0} ({1} item)
The link in this post doesnt work. I need to remove the default griup description which is (1 item).
Rajesh,You can look at this forum post about Customization Strings:
@ Valerio,
Thanks for the additional information - I was able to reproduce this. I am going to create a support case for you and continue the discussion there.