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XamTextEditor's cursor always goes to home


I have a XamTextEditor and button below. I want to input some text in to XamTextEditor. When user clicks the button I want to add some text like " Okkes Emin BALCICEK " to XamTextEditor and send focus to XamtextEditor. Ffter ControlEditor.Focus() command cursor goes to home. I want to send cursor to end. How can I do ?



Button Height="30" Click="Button_Click"></Button>



infraEd:XamTextEditor x:Name="ControlTextEditor" IsAlwaysInEditMode="True"></infraEd:XamTextEditor>




private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  ControlTextEditor.Text = ControlTextEditor.Text + "Okkes Emin Balcicek";



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