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Select Parent and change style property


I have a datagrid view setup to mimic a treeview.

When a user selects a deeply nested 'node' and clicks a button on the form I need it to select only it's parent nodes and their parent's nodes then make them bold.

I have:

        private void MarkAsAdded(object p)
                DataRecord addedRecord = (DataRecord)p;
                DataRecordPresenter drp = (DataRecordPresenter)DataRecordPresenter.FromRecord(addedRecord) as DataRecordPresenter;

                addedRecord.Cells["IsAdded"].Value = "True";
                drp.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;

                if (addedRecord.Cells["IsFolder"].Value.ToString() == "True")
                    if (addedRecord.ChildRecords.Count > 0)
                        addedRecord.Cells["HasAddedChildren"].Value = "True";
                        drp.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;

                if (addedRecord.ParentRecord != null)
                    bool done = false;

                    DataRecord dr = (DataRecord)addedRecord.ParentDataRecord;

                        if (dr != null)
                            DataRecordPresenter tdrp = DataRecordPresenter.FromRecord(dr) as DataRecordPresenter;

                            dr.Cells["HasAddedChildren"].Value = "True";
                            tdrp.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;

                            dr = (DataRecord)dr.ParentDataRecord;
                            done = true;
                    } while (done == false);
            catch (Exception ex)

So far, but it is buggy.

and selects the parent... and it's children. then bolds them.

Is there a solution to this?




  • 69686
    Verified Answer

    Hello Matt,

    This looks quite complex to me of achieving this goal. Here is one recursive method of doing this:

    1. When you select a record, set its FontWeight to Bold. You can do that by handling the RecordActivated Event of the XamDataGrid and call the following method:

    HightLightExpanded(e.Record as DataRecord); where:


    private void HightLightExpanded(DataRecord dataRecord)


                DataRecord dr = dataRecord;

                if (dr == null)


                dr.Tag = "Bold";



    2. The HightlightParents method recursively gets the parents and highlights them as well


    private void HightlightParents(DataRecord dataRecord)


                DataRecord parent = dataRecord.ParentDataRecord;

                if (parent == null)






                    parent.Tag = "Bold";





    3. Here is the style for the DataRecordPresenter which actually high lights the records:


    <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordPresenter}">

            <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="{Binding Path=Tag}"/>


    As you can see, I am using a style that binds the Tag to the FontWeight. The reason I am doing this is because I want to avoid getting the DataRecordPresenter (makes the code more unreadable) in c#.

    4. Reset the FontWeight when you change the selection. You can do this either before a new selection or in the RecordDeactivating event. You can again use similar recursive function to reset the Tag the same way you set it.

    Hope this helps.