How would one go about binding the tabs ( ContentPanes in DocumentContentHost/SplitPane/TabGroupPane? ) to collection (ObservableCollection<ViewModel>) exsposed as a property of the DataContext? Then apply correct DataTemplate dynamicaly based on the ContentPane's datacontext of the ViewModel.
Essentially bind to the right 'Content' property and apply the right datatemplate ( which I can't seem to find ) ?
That is correct. Currently there is no built in means of binding the xamDockManager to a source collection. There are a few options though. One would be to use something like NCAL (which is a layer on top of CAL). Another option would be to create one or more attached properties that you use to get the source collection and then you create ContentPane instances and add them to the xamDockManager essentially removing and adding panes as the source collection changes. I'll try to post a sample of this next week. You may also submit a suggestion (preferably with as much detail about what you need or how you would like to see it working as possible).
I suspect this maybe our answer?
key quote
"Note, since the tab items must be modifiable/movable by the end user, the TabGroupPane does not support binding its ItemsSource."
I have been wrestling with this issue as well. I very eagerly await a reply. This issue has essentially stopped us dead in our tracks for use of the XamDockingManager.