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How do i access to GroupBy value, Value on which my xamDataGrid is grouped?

Here is the scenario

I have a xamDataGrid where i want the records shown in heirarchy. I want to add a button for clear all and select all on each group level. and on button click event i bind the button datacontext with DataPresenter.ActiveRecord, but on select all and clear all button click event i find the DataContext of a button == null.

here is the xaml, Grid is binded as follows,


Name="GrdUsers" Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource DsProvider}}"

With other visible colum there is an invisible column








igDP:UnboundField Name="UserRoleId" BindingPath="UserRoleId" Visibility="Collapsed">





<igDP:UnboundField.Settings><igDP:FieldSettings AllowEdit="False"/></igDP:UnboundField.Settings></igDP:UnboundField>

and in SortedFields






igDP:FieldSortDescription FieldName="UserRoleId" Direction="Ascending" IsGroupBy="True">

Here is a column on which Select all and clear all appears on the header for each group.









igDP:UnboundField loc:Resource.Uid="NameColumn" Label="{loc:Resource}">





<igDP:UnboundField.Settings><igDP:FieldSettings CellValuePresenterStyle="{StaticResource PersonNameStyle}" LabelPresenterStyle="{StaticResource PermitAllInGroupStyle}"/>





Here is the style of a header


 <Style x:Key="PermitAllInGroupStyle" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type igDP:LabelPresenter}}"



TargetType="{x:Type igDP:LabelPresenter}"><Setter Property="Template"><Setter.Value>




<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type igDP:LabelPresenter}"><StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Left">

<Button x:Name="BtnSelectAllUsersOnGroup" Style="{orbitui:SkinResource PermitAllButtonStyle}" DataContext="{Binding Path=DataPresenter}" Content="{loc:Resource Uid=SelectAll}" Click="BtnSelectAllUsersOnGroup_Click"></Button>





<Button x:Name="BtnClearAllOnGroup" Style="{orbitui:SkinResource PermitAllButtonStyle}"




DataContext="{Binding Path=DataPresenter.ActiveRecord}"Content="{loc:Resource Uid=ClearAll}" Click="BtnClearAllOnGroup_Click"></Button></StackPanel></ControlTemplate></Setter.Value>






and on Click event i write the follwing code.



void BtnClearAllOnGroup_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){

var source = ((Button)sender); var record = source.DataContext as Record;



 //Here i found source.DataContext == null

This was not null and giving Record in DataContext but now in new version 2009.2 this is null,

I theer any way i can access to a record groupby value(the value on which the records are grouped.?

Any help would be gr8


