What's the simplest way to format numbers appearing in a particular column of the grid. For example if I want the number 1234.56 to appear as 1,234.5600.
That's what I was looking for. Thanks.
Dim style As New Style(GetType(XamNumericEditor))
Dim s As New Setter(XamNumericEditor.FormatProperty, "##0.00")
This is the code in VB for the style. You can apply it to the specific Field's Settings.
Let's say that a particular column is displaying numeric data with 2 decimals places and you want to allow the user to increase the number of decimal places displayed in this column by clicking an appropriate toolbar button. How could this be done ?
You do not have to create the whole style in code behind. You can set the x:Key attribute of the style and get it as a resource by this key from where you have defined it.
Hopefully we're nearly there.
Could you provide some sample code (VB or C#) as opposed to sample XAML. I assume this will begin as shown below. If you could fill in the blanks that would be great. Thanks.
Dim Field As Field = Grid.LayoutSettings.Item(0).Fields("Field1")