Hello i am trying to set up unit tests for our grid
It works for various grids in my appication but the main grid is a hierachical grid with UseNestedPanels set to true. With UISpy i found that the class that contains the records changes when usenestedpanels is set to true.
The default class that contains the records is ViewableRecordCollection
The usenestedpanels=true class is RecordListControl.
Unfortunately the RecordListControl does only expose the top level items. Theres no way to access nested items with Uiautomation from this class. Additionally the ExpandCollapse pattern does not work correctly. Its possible to collapse records with the pattern but not to expand them.
I have spent a considerable amout of work to get UIautomation working and would hate to see it wasted.
Feedback would be welcomed.
Hello Stef,
As its name implies, UseNestedPanels - false will not use panels that are nested in one another when the XamDataGrid has a hierarchical data structure. It would place all of the presenters in a single panel to reduce the nesting depth of the element tree.
The GridViewPanelFlat will be the container that exposes all of the DataRecordPresenters. It will expose parent as well as child record preseners. Please note that you have to expand the record first so that the child record presenters can be generated.