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Loading userControlos to DocumentContentHost

Im aware this situation is dificult to understand so im going to explain it the better as i could.

This is my Xaml:

 <igDock:XamDockManager Grid.Row="1" Name="xamDockManager1">

                <!-- Right bar -->
                <igDock:SplitPane igDock:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockedRight" x:Name="panelRightBar" SplitterOrientation="Horizontal">


            <!-- Central container (Processes) -->
            <igDock:DocumentContentHost x:Name="centralProcContainer">


As you can see i have a splitPane with no content and a DocumentContentHost with no content to.

Im loading a userControl on the splitPane when this control initiates, this Usercontrol can load other Usercontrols to the central container dynamically. This control have a list of controls when i click on one it is loaded on the DocumentContentHost.

The problem is when i load the Usercontrols on the DocumentContentHost the Usercontrol on the splipanel freezes, but this onyl happens when the splitPane isn't pinned.

If you can give me some idea i appreciate.

  • 54937
    Offline posted

    When you say freeze what do you mean? Do you mean that it can't take focus, that the cpu usage is maxed out, etc.? Do you have a sample that demonstrates the problem?