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Problem in online documentation access for wpf

Hello every one I am getting the following configiration error while accessing the online wpf documentation


<roleManager defaultProvider="CNSRoleProvider" enabled="true" cacheRolesInCookie="true" cookieName=".IGROLES" cookieTimeout="20" cookiePath="/" cookieRequireSSL="false" cookieSlidingExpiration="true" cookieProtection="All">
Line 250: <providers>
Line 251: <add name="CNSRoleProvider" applicationName="/" type="Infragistics.IS.Web.Core.ASPNetProviders.CNSRoleProvider,Infragistics.IS.Web.Core.ASPNetProviders" connectionName="conn_igWeb"/>
Line 252: </providers>
Line 253: </roleManager>

It was fine before intallation of local documentation. Now WPF local documentation is accessible but online documentations is not for me. Can you please provide me the solution in this regard thanks.


  • 12333


    Sorry to hear about this problem. How are you attempting to access the help? Are you trying to access the help through your start menu and then clicking on the menu item that links to our online help?

    Which version of the WPF help are you trying to access? (e.g., 2009, Volume 2)?

    Here is the link to all of our online help systems that are supported:

    If you navigate to this link, scroll to the very bottom. The WPF help is there (2008 Volume 1 to 2009 Volume 1). If you click on the online help volume that represents your product volume, does that work for you?

