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XamDataGrid Group By Issue

I have a xamdatagrid to which I have binded some Business Objects through a observablecollection.

I then select group by certain column for example : status (consider there are 3 status Accepted, Rejected & completed) and the intial view looks like this.

+ Accepted (7)

+ Rejected (3)

+ Completed (4)

Now if I select a record under any of the groups and change its status to some other valid status. For example I took one completed record and changed its status to "Rejected" . Once the Business object status is changed I replace the BusinessObject in the Observable collection with the new Business object with the changed status.

Result is The BO record is getting updated i.e. I can see that the record's status in the grid is changed to "Rejected".

However the regrouping doesn't happen, Ideally this record should move to the Rejected set of records and count should get accordingly.

Is there anything wrong with the approach? Or how can I acheive this?

Thanks in Advance,
