I have a simple sample that uses record level virtualization and delayed scrolling with 100000 rows and 50 columns. In this case, scrolling causes a repaint problem. Launch the application and scroll a few times (5-10) in different ways (scrollbar, mouse wheel, dragging). This should reproduce the repaint problem where it looks like two rows are overlaid ontop of eachother.
Is this an existing bug? Is there any way to enable virtualization without experiencing this problem?
xamDataGrid1.RecordContainerGenerationMode = ItemContainerGenerationMode.Virtualize; for (int i = 0; i <= 10000; i++){ Records record = new Records(i.ToString(), dummyData); bindingList.Add(record);}xamDataGrid1.DataSource = bindingList;
<XamDataGrid x:Name ="xamDataGrid1"/>
Hey Mike,
I put together a small sample that uses the same amount of code that you use and I am unable to reproduce the problem. I tried using the release of version 9.2 and the release version of 10.3
Here is the only code that I used.
public partial class VirtualizeRecordTest : Window { public BindingList<Person> bindingList = new BindingList<Person>(); public VirtualizeRecordTest() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(VirtualizeRecordTest_Loaded); }
void VirtualizeRecordTest_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.XamGrid1.RecordContainerGenerationMode = Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ItemContainerGenerationMode.Virtualize; for (int i = 0; i <= 10000; i++) { Person p = new Person(){Age = i,JobTitle="Title "+i,Name="Name " + i.ToString(), Salary= i*100}; bindingList.Add(p); } XamGrid1.DataSource = bindingList;
} }
in xaml.....
<Grid> <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="XamGrid1"/> </Grid>
Person is just a simple object. Nothing special.
I go up and down with the scrollbar and nothing seems to happen in my sample. So, do you have an exact sample that reproduces the issue? Maybe I can take a look at that and debug it. If you can, please attach the sample to the next thread.
I will be waiting for your reply.