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non-minimized width of XamOutlookBar

For my application I implemented a class to load and save the 'layout' of the XamOutlookBar. In my case the layout contains the visible groups, selected group, Width, and IsMinimized state of the XamOutlookBar control. Everything works fine, except the width. If the XamOutlookBar is minimized, the width is the actual width of the minimized outlook bar, but I need to store the non-minimized width. How can I get the non-minimized with of the XamOutlookBar (of course w/o storing it somewhere externally)?


Best regards,




I have just seen that there exists a MinimizedWidth property, but it is set to NaN, even if IsMinimized is true. Probably this is a bug. I guess that Width should store the non-minimized width, and MinimizedWidth the minimized width. But with the current implementation only Width seems to be used.



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