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Binding XamDataGrid to IEnumerable<XElement>

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong.....I am able to use the following syntax to bind the results of a Linq query(Jobs - IEnumerable<XElement> property on my view model) to a standard ListBox:  How do I make this happen with XamDataGrid?  I've posted my failed attempt at the bottom.  Thanks!


      <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Jobs}" Height="150">


        <DataTemplate DataType="{}Job">

          <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">

            <TextBlock Width="100" Text="{Binding Path=Element[JOB_ID].Value}" />

            <TextBlock Width="100" Text="{Binding Path=Element[TYPE_DESCR].Value}" />







<igDP:XamDataGrid IsUndoEnabled="True" Theme="Office2k7Blue" DataSource="{Binding Jobs}"  IsEnabled="True">






            CopyFieldLabelsToClipboard="True" />






              <igDP:Field DataType="{x:Type xlinq:XElement}" Name="Element[JOB_ID].Value" Label="Job Id"/>

              <igDP:Field DataType="{x:Type xlinq:XElement}" Name="Element[TYPE_DESCR].Value" Label="Job Type"/>

              <igDP:UnboundField Name="ActionItem" Label="Action Item"/>

              <igDP:UnboundField Name="Overdue" Label="Overdue"/>

              <igDP:UnboundField Name="Upcoming" Label="Upcoming"/>



