I have set a contextmenu on the grid and am changing the state of various items in that menu in response to the selection changing on the grid. All works as expected if i first left click on a row before right clicking on it (in that the context menu is correctly based on the currently selected row), however if i right click on an unselected row, selection doesn't change and as such i don't get a correct context menu.
How do i get the grid to change selection on right click ?
You may find this blog post and its sample helpful.
Slight problem with the solution suggested - the grid seems to be removing selection on other rows when i do the following
. Highlight multiple rows. right click on the last row ( perform the right click on all the rows on the selection)
On the right click, all previous rows are unselected. Why is this? Also, if the user right clicks a row, then moves to another row (without dismissing the context menu) then multiple rows are selected with each right click... very strange behaviour.
How do i keep the selections for the right click menu ?
If you use this :
drp.IsSelected = true;
then the SelectedItems.Records collection will be cleared and this record will be added there. However, before setting this to selected, you can check what you have in that collection- XamDataGrid.SelectedItems.Records. Moreover, you can add the record in that collection rather than setting the IsSelected property.
I've tried this
SelectedItems.Records.Add( drp.Record );
and I get the following exception
"Records must be valid records from display layout of the same dataPresenter.
Parameter name: records"
Any ideas?
Are you trying to pass a record from the first grid to the BringIntoView(...) method of the second one?
Please note that you can only request a record to be brought into view of the same grid that the method is being called for.
What is the ultimate goal that you want to achieve?
This isn't the issue i'm having -
If you run the attached project you'll see that the select row count is wrong when right clicking on additional rows - so with one row selected, right clicking on a different row will print out '1' to the project output when it should be 2.
I see where the problem is. The SelectionChanged event will fire for all the types of objects that can be selected in the XamdataGrid - Cells, Fields, Records. So, what you need to do is check the e.Type property and see which type is being selected:
if (e.Type == typeof(Record))
it looks like the SelectionChanged event is fired but the SelectedItems collection doesn't contain the correct count of rows.
I have attached a sample showing this
I'm an idiot.. sorry.
I didn't twig that
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler( typeof( DataRecordPresenter ), PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent,
new MouseButtonEventHandler( onMouseRightButtonDown ) );
is a global registration ....
silly me :)