When I set the group totals to be on top, I get the header rows to repeat with each group. I tried the example from the samples and it does the same. Setting the headers property doesnot help. Setting group totals at the bottom works fine. Is there a way to suppress the headers showing up in each group when having group totals on top? I just need headers to be on top of the grid and not repeat.
Hi Alex,
I believe you did not change the SummaryDisplayArea in the xaml file to "InGroupByRecords, Top". I am sorry, the sample that I had attached had it as None. Hence you dont see summaries in your test run. Please change None to Top and rerun it. You will see the headers getting repeated. I am attaching a screenshot of the output window I am getting.
This is what I am getting when I run the sample and expand the records. Can you please tell me what is not how you expect it to be?
the problem occurs when you have grouping and summaries together. Please refer to the sample project. You can change the SummaryDisplayArea to "InGroupByRecords,Top" and see that the header is repeated in groups.
Which properties are you referring to?
Have you looked at the XamDataGrid - layout and behavior - Header Placement. You can see in that sample, that when the HeaderPlacement is OnTopOnly, the headers of the grouped records will be on top only.