I used Josh Smith's DisplayAdorningEditors example which works great however if I put the extended grid in a custom control there is a little problem with the event handlers. The extender wants a x:Class defined for the event handler, which would be a for the resource not the custom control code behind. I'm fairly sure it's a one line fix for someone that has a better understanding of wpf controls and routedevents.
It will give 1 build error:
'ResourceDictionary' root element requires a x:Class attribute to support event handlers in the XAML file. Either remove the event handler for the RequestAdorningEditor event, or add a x:Class attribute to the root element.
I tried to attach the sample Josh's sample + what is needed to recreate the problem. but it's 4.4MB(over the limit).
XamDataGridBehavior.SetDisplayAdorningEditors(xamGridExams, False) seems to help (where you pass your grid object).
I have a problem with this approach as the control is not unloading from memory.
How exactly do I set DisplayAdorningEditors=False in code?
I cannot find that property on my grid object so far.
I figured out a solution even though it's not as clean as I would like. In short you have to add a resource class for the control and create some pass-through event handlers from the resource class to the custom control class.
The attachment with the solution in case anyone else uses custom controls and grid adorners through extentions. If I had more time I'd create a resource<T> class for the custom controls to inherit from.