My xamDataGrids have been configured to display DateTime using the following style:
<Style x:Key="timeFormatter" TargetType="{x:Type igEd:XamDateTimeEditor}" > <Setter Property="Format" Value="MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss " /> </Style>
My users want to be able to change the DateTime format while the application is running. What I plan on doing is programmatically update the style but I need to be able to tell xamDataGrid to regenerate field layouts based on current settings.
To do this, I plan on saving the field layouts, clearing them and reloading them all during runtime. Does anyone has a better way to do this?
Hello Klaus,
I have been looking into your and I can suggest setting the FieldSettinsgs’ EditorStyle property from code, which will automatically rerender all your affected controls. You can chose to address such a setting through a few different scopes – for the whole XamDataGrid, for a specific FieldLayout or for a specific Field.
Please let me know if you require any further assistance on the matter.