I have a textbox placed in infragistic grid. i want to assign value to it. How to do it?i want to assign the value programmatically..Each textbox in each row of the grid will display different value.
Code for the textbox in grid:
="StaffData"><Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Left" />
AutoGenerateFields="False" HighlightAlternateRecords="True" />
I have textbox in a cell and On click of tht textbox I should have a grid. how can i bind tht grid to that textbox which is there in xamdatagrid cell.
If you want to access an element inside the cell, you have to get the CellValuePresenter first and then find the element inside. The CVP you can get with the CellValuePresenter.FromCell method and then use the utilities methods to find the textbox:
TextBox textBox= Infragistics.Windows.Utilities.GetDescendantFromType
typeof(TextBox ),
as TextBox;