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Auto size options

I have a grid with

 e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.AutoSizeOptions = FieldAutoSizeOptions.All;
 e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.AutoSizeScope = FieldAutoSizeScope.AllRecords;
  e.FieldLayout.FieldSettings.Width = FieldLength.Auto;

I also have some starred columns and I have

AutoFit = false;


All works well except when the grid is shrunk too small.  I want the minwidth of each column to be the FIeldLength.Auto.  I tried setting CellMinWidth and LabelMinWidth to FieldLength.Auto but it wont work.

Is there any way to set the min width of a star auto size column to the field length auto size.

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  • 54937
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    No, there is no FieldLength type property for controlling the Min/Max extent of a field. The only option I can think is that you use the CalculateAutoSizeExtent method of the Field to get the autosize value and set that field's CellMinWidth to that. Note, as documented the CalculateAutoSizeExtent method can return Double.NaN when it cannot calculate a value (e.g. if a cell in that field is in edit mode and edit mode ending is cancelled, etc.).

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