This is a great feature as I needed to program this type of functionality in my app and now you guys have supplied it. However I believe I need an BeforeUndo event so I can handle the effect of undoing a cell update to indo the efffect to the business object that supplies the data.
In this specific screen an entry of numbers into a cell means assigning a resource and hours to the project. When I Undo this edit to the grid I need to Undo the change to my business object. I thought I could use the ExecutingCommand event and test for the Undo command being performed but if I have moved off the cell that was updated when the user chooses to Undo I have no reference from the cell that was Undone.
Maybe you have some suggestions. Thank you.
You are right the XamDataGrid doesn't expose such events or parametres of what is being undoed since too many elements/events get affected , but if you want to influence our product line you can do it by submiting a Feature Request on our website:
Looking forward to your feedback.
Petar Monov
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics Bulgaria