How do you control column widths when the grid is transposed. Also, is there a way to allow the user to reset the column width when the grid is transposed (similar to the way column widths can be resized when the grid isn't transposed).
Just to be clear, by transposed you mean that the XamDataGrid's Orienatation is Horizontal. If that is so, to change the records' height, you will need to set the DataRecordSizingMode property of the FieldLayoutSettings. You can clear any customizations you have made to the XamDataGrid with the ClearCustomizations(...) method, however this will not reset the records' height.
Thanks for that answer. You were correct in that I meant Orientation being set to Horizontal. I can now adjust column widths when the DataRecordSizingMode is set appropriately except for what is now the first column (which contains what would have been column headings were the grid not transposed).
Is there a way to adjust the width of the first column ?