I've implemented a CalendarDayStyleSelector to higlight certain dates (holidays in this case for an HR application). I know I can set the tooltip manually in the setter of the tooltip property:
<Style x:Key="Holiday" TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:CalendarDay}"> <Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFF2F257" /> <Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="Holiday" /></Style>
This sets the tooltip for al of the selected dates to "Holiday"
How can I set a tooltip for the date itself? For examle, if I hover over 7/4/10, I want the tooltip to display "Independence Day" I know I want to bind the data - just a little lost on what to bind it to and what the XAML syntax would look like. Thanks!
Maybe you could set the ToolTip property to a Binding to the StartDate property. E.g. Value="{Binding Path=StartDate, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Converter={StaticResource holidayConverter}}" where holidayConverter is an instance of an IValueConverter that you write to return the appropriate string for a given date.
Thanks for the direction. I was able to accomplish the results I wanted with this techinque.
Can you please post an example of how this is done please. I tried this approach but in vain.