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Add dynamic hyperlink and chart columns in the WPF XamDataGrid

I have created wpf xamdatagrid with datatable using the datasource property. Now I want to add 1 hyperlink column in the middle of the DataGrid and 1 sparkline chart in the 1st column.

Can you please help me how to do it from the code behind using c#?

If I just use the following code:



for (int i = 0; i < dtResults.Rows.Count - 1; i++)


TextBlock  tblk = new TextBlock();





Hyperlink hlink = new Hyperlink(new Run("click"));

hlink.TargetName =


hlink.NavigateUri =

new Uri(http://testpage1.aspx?ID= + dtResults.Rows[i][1].ToString());








The above code adds a hyperlink column in the first column, but how to add the rest columns from the DataTable?





  • 7305

    Hello Ram,

    Based on the approach that you are taking, you would need to create a column in your DataTable for Sparkline objects, and then add each row that contains the Sparkline, Hyperlink, etc., in the xamDataGrid's DataItem collection.

    I am attaching a sample that demonstrates it. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions.
