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I don't understand why this does not work. (DataValueChanged)

I have the following code:

<igDock:XamDockManager x:Name="dkmgr" >



<igDock:ContentPane >

<igDP:XamDataGrid BindToSampleData="True" DataValueChanged ="XamDataGrid_DataValueChanged">




<igDP:Field Name="salary">


<igDP:FieldSettings DataValueChangedNotificationsActive="True" />











With this in the Code Behind:

Private Sub XamDataGrid_DataValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.DataValueChangedEventArgs)

MessageBox.Show(e.Field.Name & " was changed.")

End Sub

Can anyone tell me why this does not work using Version 10.2 Controls?

Thanks Earl

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  • 27093

    Hello Earl,


    I have been looking into your xaml and code snippet and found out what is preventing you from testing out the functionality. It is mainly because you are using xml data provided by setting BindToSampleData=”True”. In order to get the DataValueChanged event to fire you need to directly alter your underlying data and the data source should implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface.


    Please let me know if  you require any further assistance on the matter.



    Petar Monov

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics Bulgaria


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