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Preventing column move in scrollable area

I have a situation where i have the following setup in my data grid:

  • COL3 SCROLLABLE & Fixed (must be first in scrollable area)
  • COLX SCROLLABLE& Movable (Dynamically created columns ...)

The problem i have is that i cannot seem to figure out how to Cancel the move of the column X when it goes to the "first" position in front of COL3. I need to make it so that COL3 is always the first in the scroll area without the user having a chance to change this order.

The user is free to re-order any of the dynamically created X position columns after COL3 and i already have code that saves / reloads their correct position.

Any help to show me how to do this would be appreciated.

Note: I am using the latest release of XamDataGrid rev. 2009, we have not yet upgraded to 2010 release 1.

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  • 69686
    Suggested Answer


    You will not be able to cancel the event, however, you can restore the previous state of the fields easily with the Clear/LoadCustomizations method. for example, you can handle the FieldPositionChanged event and check the moved field. If its ActualPosition.Colulm and name does not meet your condition, you can either load a previous customization or clear the one just made. Here is some sample code for this :

    string layout;

            public MainWindow()



                xamDataGrid1.Loaded += (s, e) =>


                    layout = xamDataGrid1.SaveCustomizations();




            private void xamDataGrid1_FieldPositionChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.FieldPositionChangedEventArgs e)


                if (e.Field.ActualPosition.Column == 0 && !e.Field.Name.Equals("name"))



                   // or load the previously saved one xamDataGrid1.LoadCustomizations(layout);


                layout = xamDataGrid1.SaveCustomizations();


    This should keep the "name" field always in the first position.

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