Is it possible to have 2 charts, one on the top the other, sharing the same x-axis and with the major/minor gridlines in sync (as in drawing straight lines through the 2 charts) ?
I have tried placing two charts one above the other and have the x-axis not shown for the chart on the above. but the x-axis major/minor gridlines do not match due to difference in intervals and their y-axes values.
Please try setting the Extent in the axis settings for the 2 Y axes to be same value. Let me know if that helps.
Hi Petar
I have tried using the Synchronization feature. I am able to get the zooming working, but not the grid lines in sync.
I have attached 2 screenshots below. Both are having the x-axis gridlines not in sync.
Hello Tungngie,
Yes it is possible. There is a sample in the WPF DataVisualization Feature Browser showing exactly this kind of functionality. It is called “Chart Synchronization ” and you can find it under “xamDataChart” -> “Interaction” tags. It consists of 4 xamDataChart 3 of which are synchronized. You can see the blue and green chart doing what you need.
Please let me know if you require any further assistance on the matter.
Petar Monov
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics Bulgaria