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XamRibbonWindow (error while creating window)


I just wanted to share a solution to a strange problem: an exception is thrown during creation of XamRibbonWindow on Windows XP:

An element is already added. Key in dictionary: 'RibbonBrushKeys.ScenicCaptionCloseBtnPressedBorderFillKey' Key being added: 'RibbonBrushKeys.ScenicCaptionCloseBtnPressedBorderFillKey' Error in object „System.Windows.ResourceDictionary”.

After conversations it appeared to be an issue related to currently selected windows theme which was Olive. After changing windows theme do Default or Silver it started working properly.

  • 80

    I also have the same problem with Olive theme, however the way it manifested itself was through a stack overflow before the constructor of the main window is called. My wpf application is all wired up t through XAML so I couldn't see the exact same error but when I changed it to use a static Main method thats when I can catch the exception.

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