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FeatureBrowser Bug - no xaml or cs preview

Hi All,

I suppose, that the Feature-Browser should show xaml and cs sourcecode at the xaml/cs-tabs. But it won't, because there is a minor bug which causes a FileNotFoundException (which will be caught and then nothing more happens...).

The path where the Source-Files are searched is wrong.


Replace at FeatureBrowser.xaml.cs Line ~230

CurrentXamlText = System.IO.File.RSystem.IO.Path.Combine(_apppath, _framesource)framesource);


with something like that:

_framesource = _framesource.Replace('/', System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
_framesource = System.IO.Path.Combine("..", System.IO.Path.Combine("..", _framesource));
_framesource = System.IO.Path.Combine(_apppath, _framesource);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(_framesource))                            
    CurrentXamlText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(_framesource);


Same for cs some lines below.

I havent tested, but you could also change the "_apppath" at the constructor. (wich is the better way, if it's not used anywhere else)

