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Multiple points above/below the line

In I asked about moving the points off the timeline above or below it.  The answer provided was a good one.  Perhaps there is a simple solution to this one:

I'd like to have something like so:


where there are multiple series above the line (Ice Cream and Cookies) and multiple series below the lines (Celery and Spam) and those series are at different y-values.

I saw that solution for the single above/below was by setting the EventPointTopStyle and EventPointBottomStyle.

Any ideas on this?  Ultimately, there could be as many as 10-15 above and below the line.  I currently solve this in another product non-WPF with a scater plot but I really would rather use the xamTimeLine if that is a possibility.


Thanks much,


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  • 17605

    Unfortunately, the Timeline doesn’t have this functionality as a feature. In your case you need to set an event point style with different offset for every series.

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