HelloI am getting another business-critical and rather annoying error from the Infragistics XamDataGrid.I use NetAdvantage for Win Client 2010 Volume 2.
The error occurs a little randomly, but I think I have isolated two scenarios:
1)When the grid is within a TabControl and tab selection is changed
2)When the DataSource bound collection is cleared or modified.
The error occurrs, but within the XamDataGrid control, so I have no possibility to make a breakpoint or pause VS2008 so I can change the code. Because error does not reflect any file and line number in the code.
Here is my XAML code for the grid. - The "DataSource" is bound to an ObservableCollection<Shipment> - The "ActiveDataItem is bound to a single Shipment-class
<kwg:DataGrid DataSource="{Binding Items}" ActiveDataItem="{Binding ActiveItem, Mode=TwoWay}" Visibility="{Binding ContentVisibility}" GridLayout="{Binding ShipmentsGridLayout, Mode=TwoWay}" LayoutSavedCommand="{Binding GridLayoutSaveCommand}" RefreshGridCommand="{Binding RefreshGridCommand}" CommandParameter="shipment_overview" Theme="Office2k7Silver" Background="GhostWhite" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" AutoFit="False" AllowDrop="False"> <kwg:DataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> <kwg:FieldLayoutSettings HeaderPrefixAreaDisplayMode="FieldChooserButton" AllowAddNew="False" AllowDelete="False" HighlightAlternateRecords="False" SelectionTypeRecord="Extended" SelectionTypeField="Extended" SelectionTypeCell="None" AutoGenerateFields="False" /> </kwg:DataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> <kwg:DataGrid.FieldLayouts> <idp:FieldLayout Key="Shipment"> <idp:FieldLayout.FieldSettings> <kwg:FieldSettings AllowRecordFiltering="True" AllowGroupBy="True" AllowResize="True" AllowEdit="False" CellClickAction="SelectRecord"/> </idp:FieldLayout.FieldSettings> <idp:Field Name="CreatedDate" Converter="{StaticResource formatter}" ConverterParameter="\{0:yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm\}" Label="Created" Column="0" Visibility="Visible" Width="80"> <idp:Field.Settings> <idp:FieldSettings EditAsType="{x:Type sys:String}"/> </idp:Field.Settings> </idp:Field> <idp:Field Name="Assignmentid" Label="Assignmend Id" Column="1" Visibility="Visible" Width="150" /> <idp:Field Name="MovementReferenceNumber" Label="MRN" Column="2" Visibility="Visible" Width="80" /> <idp:Field Name="DeclarationType" Label="Declaration type" Column="3" Visibility="Visible" Width="80" /> <idp:Field Name="DeclarationStatus" Label="Status" Column="4" Visibility="Visible" Width="80"> <idp:Field.Settings> <idp:FieldSettings> <idp:FieldSettings.CellValuePresenterStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type idp:CellValuePresenter}"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=DataItem.DeclarationStatus}" Value="ERR"> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Red"/> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> </idp:FieldSettings.CellValuePresenterStyle> </idp:FieldSettings> </idp:Field.Settings> </idp:Field> <idp:Field Name="TotalNumberOfItems" Label="Total # of items" Column="5" Visibility="Visible" Width="80"> <idp:Field.Settings> <idp:FieldSettings> <idp:FieldSettings.EditorStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ide:XamCurrencyEditor}"> <Setter Property="Format" Value=".###"/> </Style> </idp:FieldSettings.EditorStyle> </idp:FieldSettings> </idp:Field.Settings> </idp:Field> <idp:Field Name="TotalNumberOfPackages" Label="Total # of packages" Column="6" Visibility="Visible" Width="80"> <idp:Field.Settings> <idp:FieldSettings> <idp:FieldSettings.EditorStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ide:XamCurrencyEditor}"> <Setter Property="Format" Value=".###"/> </Style> </idp:FieldSettings.EditorStyle> </idp:FieldSettings> </idp:Field.Settings> </idp:Field> <idp:Field Name="TotalGrossWeight" Label="Total gross weight" Column="7" Visibility="Visible" Width="80"> <idp:Field.Settings> <idp:FieldSettings> <idp:FieldSettings.EditorStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ide:XamCurrencyEditor}"> <Setter Property="Format" Value=".###"/> </Style> </idp:FieldSettings.EditorStyle> </idp:FieldSettings> </idp:Field.Settings> </idp:Field> <idp:Field Name="Declarant" Label="Declarant" Column="8" Visibility="Visible" Width="100" /> <idp:Field Name="PlaceOfLoading" Label="Place of load" Column="9" Visibility="Visible" Width="80" /> <idp:Field Name="PlaceOfUnloading" Label="Place of unload" Column="10" Visibility="Visible" Width="80" /> <idp:Field Name="Consignor" Label="Consignor" Column="11" Visibility="Visible" Width="100" /> <idp:Field Name="Consignee" Label="Consignee" Column="12" Visibility="Visible" Width="100" /> <idp:Field Name="NotifyParty" Label="Notify party" Column="13" Visibility="Visible" Width="100" /> <idp:Field Name="LodgingPerson" Label="Lodging person" Column="14" Visibility="Visible" Width="100" /> <idp:Field Name="Representative" Label="Representative" Column="15" Visibility="Visible" Width="100" /> <idp:Field Name="Carrier" Label="Carrier" Column="16" Visibility="Visible" Width="100" /> <idp:Field Name="CustomerId" Label="Customer Id" Column="17" Visibility="Visible" Width="150" /> <idp:Field Name="UserId" Label="User Id" Column="18" Visibility="Visible" Width="80" /> <idp:Field Name="LastChangedBy" Label="Last changed by" Column="19" Visibility="Visible" Width="80" /> <!--<idp:Field Name="AIVStatus" Label="AIV Status" Column="20" Visibility="Visible" Width="80" />--> </idp:FieldLayout> </kwg:DataGrid.FieldLayouts> <kwg:DataGrid.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu> <MenuItem Uid="mp_cmiOpen" Name="cmiOpen" Header="Open" Command="{Binding OpenICSCommand}" IsEnabled="{Binding OpenICSIsEnabled}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <MenuItem Uid="mp_cmiNew" Header="New" IsEnabled="{Binding NewIsEnabled}"> <MenuItem Uid="mp_cmiNewENS" Name="cmiNewENS" Header="Entry Summary Declaration [ENS]" Command="{Binding NewENSCommand}" IsEnabled="{Binding NewENSIsEnabled}" /> <MenuItem Uid="mp_cmiNewEXS" Name="cmiNewEXS" Header="Exit Summary Declaration [EXS]" Command="{Binding NewEXSCommand}" IsEnabled="{Binding NewEXSIsEnabled}" /> </MenuItem> <MenuItem Uid="mp_cmiMake" Header="Make" IsEnabled="{Binding MakeIsEnabled}"> <MenuItem Uid="mp_cmiMakeAMD" Name="cmiMakeAMD" Header="Amendment [AMD]" Command="{Binding MakeAMDCommand}" IsEnabled="{Binding MakeAMDIsEnabled}" /> <MenuItem Uid="mp_cmiMakeARN" Name="cmiMakeARN" Header="Arrival Notification [ARN]" Command="{Binding MakeARNCommand}" IsEnabled="{Binding MakeARNIsEnabled}" /> <MenuItem Uid="mp_cmiMakeDIV" Name="cmiMakeDIV" Header="Diversion Request [DIV]" Command="{Binding MakeDIVCommand}" IsEnabled="{Binding MakeDIVIsEnabled}" /> </MenuItem> <MenuItem Uid="mp_cmiDelete" Name="cmiDelete" Header="Delete" Command="{Binding DeleteICSCommand}" IsEnabled="{Binding DeleteICSIsEnabled}" /> <Separator/> </ContextMenu> </kwg:DataGrid.ContextMenu> </kwg:DataGrid>
Sory, I have not chance upgrade 10.3 in a short time. I need this soluiton in 10.2 actualy but I could not repro yet.
Try downloading and installing version 10.3 ("NetAdvantage for Win Client 2010 Volume 3").
At east, that worked for me.
- Mats MagnemKSD Software
I installed service release for 10.2 but it did not fix problem.
Downloading and installing version 10.3 ("NetAdvantage for Win Client 2010 Volume 3") seemed to do the trick. I have not yet had time to test this very strictly in a full scale. But quick testing seems all OK.
I first uninstalled version 10.2, installed version 10.3, then changed all the references which came as a result of the uninstall.
Thank you so far. I will get back to you if the issue persist.
Hello again
We are currently using the 10.2 version ("NetAdvantage for Win Client 2010 Volume 2").But I will download the latest Service Release as recommended, and try that.All I know now is that the exception comes randomly when clearing the ItemsSource of the grid for adding new data. We use WPF for XBAP (XAML Browser Application, hosted i Internet Explorer) and we use the MVVM pattern.
And it seems like the exception comes when the grid is drawing, hence we have problems catching and handling the exception properly.
I have not been able to isolate the issue in an application because I have not had any time to create such application. Both me and my team has been busy 100% developing for the application release, being forced to craete a "known bugs" document for avoiding the grid error.
But I will try and download from the provided link and see if it is solved.Thank you for the input.