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Animate Row in XamDataGrid based on DataTrigger odd behaviour

I'm trying to animate a row in a XamDataGrid so that each time an item is updated (using a DataTrigger) the animation starts. The animation continutes until the end of the storyboard.

I've managed to get the animation to start when the first item is added but when a new item is added to the grid the animation stops. Then when another item is added, the animation which stopped continutes in another row.


row1 - animating for 10 seconds

after 5 seconds (i.e. before the 10 seconds is up)

row1 - animation has stopped

row2 - animation for 10 seconds

after a further 5 seconds

row1 - no animation

row2 - animation has stopped

row3 - animation for 10 seconds

after a further 5 seconds

row1 - no animation

row2 - animation FOR ROW1 restarted here from where it stopped!!!!*******

row3 - animation has stopped

row4 - animation for 10 seconds


I've tried a similar approach on a simple listbox and the animations work as expected. Below is the snippet of Xaml I'm using.

<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordCellArea}">




<Setter Property="BackgroundHover" Value="{StaticResource GridHoverBackground}"/>




<Setter Property="BackgroundSelected" Value="Transparent"/>




<Setter Property="BackgroundActive" Value="Transparent"/>




<Setter Property="Background">








<SolidColorBrush Color="Transparent" />

















<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Record.DataItem.UpdatedAt, Converter={StaticResource IsNotNullToBooleanConverter}}" Value="True">
















<ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetProperty="Background.Color" RepeatBehavior="1x" FillBehavior="HoldEnd" Duration="0:0:18">








<LinearColorKeyFrame Value="Red" KeyTime="0:0:0" />




<LinearColorKeyFrame Value="Orange" KeyTime="0:0:4" />




<LinearColorKeyFrame Value="Yellow" KeyTime="0:0:8" />




<LinearColorKeyFrame Value="Green" KeyTime="0:0:12" />




<LinearColorKeyFrame Value="Transparent" KeyTime="0:0:16" />

































Is there anything that I'm doing wrong?