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xamDataGrid does not update after xml change

I have the following xmlDataProvider specified. After moving an xmlNode to a different position in it parent node, the datagrid tree does not update..

 XmlDataProvider xdp = new XmlDataProvider();

xdp.Document = doc;

xdp.XPath =

Binding bd = new Binding();

bd.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;

bd.Source = xdp;

bd.XPath =

theDataGrid.SetBinding(MetrixDataGrid.DataSourceProperty, bd);

private void MoveNodeUp(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)



if (theDataGrid.SelectedItems.Records.Count > 0)


DataRecord dr = theDataGrid.SelectedItems.Records[0] as DataRecord;if (dr != null)


XmlNode row = dr.DataItem as XmlNode;

XmlNode newRow = row.Clone();

XmlNode prev = row.PreviousSibling;

if (prev != null)


XmlNode parent = row.ParentNode;

parent.InsertBefore(newRow, prev);




