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Databinding Linechart to a collection (and dynamically changing the binding)


I can databind linechart to custom IEnumerable collection, this is done with ObjectDataProvider in XAML like this:

In <Window.Resources>: 

<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="PatientData" ObjectType="{x:Type local:PatientDataReader}" MethodName="GetData"/>


In <XamChart>: 

<igCA:Series ChartType="Line"


DataSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource PatientData}}"

DataMapping="Label=Name; Value=Age">



However, now need to change the binding in runtime, it requires code in C# code-behind file. 

How is this done? Should I use DataContext or what?



  • 25

    Ha! Sometimes one just comes up with the solution right after the question is asked.

    This is the solution in the code behind:


    ObjectDataProvider provider = (ObjectDataProvider)this.FindResource("PatientData");

    provider.MethodName = "GetData2";


    This will dynamically change the method on the bound object to another! Not actually XamChart feature but a general WPF feature.



  • 739


    To change data source in runtime DataSource and DataMapping properties have to be set. The DataSource property just needs a reference to your collection in runtime:

    private void Button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

       this.xamChart1.RefreshEnabled = false;          
       this.xamChart1.DataSource = myCollection;          
       this.xamChart1.DataMapping=” Label=Name; Value=Age”;       
       this.xamChart1.RefreshEnabled = true;

