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Adding a user control to XamRibbon in a RibbonGroup


I have created a simple user control with a Label and a TextBox. when you type in the TextBox I pop up a ListBox populated with various items as defined in our business rules. This is working correctly when used in isolation on a form. 

My problem is getting it to sit on the xamRibbon alongside other controls. When I place my user control (ListSearchTextBox) in a RibbonGroup it does not behave visually like the native ribbon controls. See xaml below. In this example I would like the 2 ToggleButtonTool's to appear below my user control, so that you get the normal Ribbon (3 controls stacked) interface. Unfortunately, the 2 ToggleButtonTools appear in the next column and so the ribbon looks incorrect.

Could you advise me if I have to change my user control to make it fit in with the xamRibbon native controls? Or could I handle the user control differently in the ribbon to make it fit?


Ben Lait


<Window x:Class="ControlLoader.MainWindow"







        Title="MainWindow" Height="345" Width="817"


<Grid >






            <igRibbon:RibbonTabItem Header="Main" Name="rtMain">

                <igRibbon:RibbonGroup Caption="List search">                   

                    <local:ListSearchTextBox LabelText="Fund" />                                      

                    <igRibbon:ToggleButtonTool Caption="List mode" />

                    <igRibbon:ToggleButtonTool Caption="Another mode" />










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