I'm using a XamDataGrid for displaying informations and I'm using CellActivated Event to change the display when the user select a row. Everything works fine.
So I add a new method who can reload User's last choice programmatically (i.e. re-select the same row and by re-selecting same row, changing the display identically via CellActivated Event).
So here is my code to re-select the row :
Record oFilterRecord = m_uGrd.Records.Single(p_oRecord => ((DataRecord)p_oRecord).Cells[0].Value.ToString() == m_sMyRegisteredValue); oFilterRecord .IsSelected = true; oFilterRecord .IsActive = true; ((DataRecord)oFilterRecord ).Cells[1].IsActive = true; m_uGrd.ActiveCell = ((DataRecord)oFilterRecord ).Cells[1];
So this code works (the cell appears corrctly activated & selected in display) but CellActivated event is never fired so the display changes launched by the handler are not executed.
Is there a reason why the event is not fired ? I'm using Infra 10.3 with december service release.
Thanks for your quick answer
Hello Hatman,
It has been a while since you have made your post, in case you still need support I will be glad to assist you further. I suppose the other community members can benefit from this answer as well. I have been looking through your post and I tested the code you have provided with the 10.3’s build from December and it seems like everything works ok on my side, so if this is still an issue could you please send me an isolated sample project, in which this behavior is reproducible, so I can investigate it further for you.
Feel free to write me if you have further questions.