I'd like to create a chart,then set legend text and format AxisY(datetime) by only VB.NET codes(not xaml).How to?
Best regards.
Here's an example of how to create and customize a chart manually. If you aren't using VS2010 you may need to add some underscores here and there as line continuations.
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Chart Class MainWindow Public Sub New() InitializeComponent() Dim chart As New XamChart Dim series As New Series With { .ChartType = ChartType.Line, .Label = "Sample"} series.DataPoints.Add( New DataPoint() With {.Label = "A", .Value = 1}) series.DataPoints.Add( New DataPoint() With {.Label = "B", .Value = 2}) series.DataPoints.Add( New DataPoint() With {.Label = "C", .Value = 3}) series.DataPoints.Add( New DataPoint() With {.Label = "D", .Value = 4}) chart.Series.Add(series) Dim yAxis As New Axis With { .AxisType = AxisType.PrimaryY, .StrokeThickness = 2, .Stroke = New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)} chart.Axes.Add(yAxis) grid.Children.Add(chart) End Sub End Class
Hope this helps!