In your Drilldown sample you can see that the root level has a margin around. As we're going deeper, margin disappears. Is there any way to control that? I would like to set margin to 0 on all levels.
Thank you.
The DefaultStyle property was added after the 10.3 release.
It is available in the service release for the product - download page.
What version of the control are you working with?
Thanks for reply, but I don't see any DefaultStyle property in XamTreemap and I can't even paste your code to my XAML because of error in compile time.
When the xamTreemap control binds to data, it creates a root node which will contain the nodes from the data source - the margin you are seeing belongs to that root node. In the sample when a drilldown is performed, the root node is changed with a styled node - that's why the margin disappears.
You can set a style for the default root node through the DefaultStyle property of the xamTreemap control.
Here is a sample style:
<ig:XamTreemap.DefaultStyle> <Style TargetType="ig:TreemapNode"> <Setter Property="Padding" Value="0" /> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="ig:TreemapNode"> <ig:NodesPanel x:Name="NodesPanel" /> </ControlTemplate> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style> </ig:XamTreemap.DefaultStyle>
Thanks, Nikolay