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Problems with multiple series in xamChart

I'm trying to display multiple series in a single chart but it seems to be giving me trouble on the xAxis.  Basically, if I have 2 series that represent the same data; one in single increments and the second in multiples of 2, how can I get them to both show up on the same grid and respect a universal unit marker on the xamChart?   For example, if I have 2 collections similar to the ones below along with the snippet of xaml for the X axis, how can I have them follow the first second set's units without it trying to squeeze the first set's information over between the crosshairs?

 int[] firstSeries = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

int[] secondSeries = { 2, 4, 6 };

..and xaml:











igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX" Unit="2" Stroke="LightGray">










<igCA:Label Foreground="LightGray"/>















<igCA:Mark Stroke="LightGray"></igCA:Mark>












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