I read a couple of posts on how to create a custom dailog and the documentation also describes the steps to create a cistom dialog.Here is what i have so far, i wrote my custom dialog factory which inherits from ScheduleDialogFactoryBase and I wrote a custom view that displays properties for my appointment object. (the list data connector is bound to my custom object and i did the mapping )
When i change properties in my dailog for my entity, like start date time, i need it to update the infragistics appointment object too.Is there a clean way of doing this?
I am using MVVM model and i cannot access infragistics entities there and I have a wrapped control that wraps the ScheduleView.
It would be og great help if you could provide me with a sample that syncs the custom object in the custom dialog with the infragisitcs appointment object.
Please Suggest.
Thank You,
Also, how do I close my custom dialog ?