Good morning.In a XDataGrid I load in the Load Window like this:this.xdgBase.DataSource = mDtSoggetti.DefaultView;xdgBase_Loaded use the event to hide columns in the DataGrid: private void xdgBase_Loaded (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FieldLengthConverter converter1 FieldLengthConverter = new (); XamDataGrid xdg = sender as XamDataGrid; xdg.FieldLayouts [0]. Fields ["IDSoggetto"]. System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden = Visibility; }If instead of loading the XdataGrid via code, I do it by setting the bindings in XAML (igDP: XamDataGrid Grid.Row = "1" DataSource = "{Binding}") and put in the load:this.DataContext = mDtSoggetti;gives me error can not find the fileds ["IDSoggetto"].Which method should I use instead of xdgBase_Loaded?Thank you.
Hello Pranzo,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking through it and I attached a sample project which shows the DataBinding. It also shows how to hide a Field in the Loaded Event of the xamDataGrid. If you still cannot achieve your goal I will be glad if you send me your sample, so I can make a further investigation on your issue.
Looking forward for your reply.
Thanks Stefan for the example.The problem is that I have to make the DataContext to Windows and not the xamDataGrid1to bind other controls.In the example I set, I solved it:Window I put in the load:this.DataContext = col; / / This for the textBox BindingxamDataGrid1.DataContext = col; / / This for xamDataGrid.Thank you.
Hello again,
I have been looking through your post and I suggest you set the DataContext only for the Window, because it is applied through the visual tree to all its children.
attached the example with the error