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Red Border Lost on Tab Changed

I have the exact same problem as the person in this post

This posts states:

I have several XamTextEditor/XamComboEditor controls in a TabItemEx. Their values are binded to an object, like this: SelectedItem="{Binding Path=Status, UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}"

The object implements IDataErrorInfo. When the property has an error the control is surrounded by a thin red border. When I activate another tab and then go back to the tab with control with the error the border is gone. Even though object still has an error.

Any ideas?

With a reply of...

I found a work around, I surrounded the control with <AdornerDecorator> tag and the border stays.

I just want to know if there is a better way to do this. I have over 4,000 xamEditors to implement over the next few years and don't feel like wrapping every one of them in an AdornedDecorator.

Thank You