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Binding to objects that contain other objects that contain other objects

I am trying to bind a XamDataGrid to an object that contains objects that also contain objects.   Basically the grid must contain all the fields from LineEntry plus some fields from Account and AccountClassification.  As well, some fields will be updated.

I appreciate any and all help on this, as I am still very new to Infagistics and am finding this a little complicated.




Public Class LineEntry  

    Private _id As Guid
    Public Property Id() As Guid
        Get     Set
    End Property 

     Private _account As Account
    Public ReadOnly Property Account() As Account
    End Property

    Private _originalAmount As Decimal
    Public Property OriginalAmount() As Decimal
        Get     Set
    End Property

End Class


Public Class Account

    Private _id As Guid
    Public Property Id() As Guid
        Get       Set
    End Property

    Private _accountDescription As String
    Public Property AccountDescription() As String
        Get        Set
    End Property

    Private _accountCreationDate As SmartDate
    Public Property AccountCreationDate() As String
        Get       Set
    End Property
    Private _classifications As AccountClassification
    Public ReadOnly Property Classifications() As AccountClassification
    End Property

End Class

Public Class AccountClassification

    Private _id As Guid   
    Public Property Id() As Guid
        Get        Set
    End Property

    Private _classificationType As String  
    Public Property ClassificationType() As String
        Get        Set
    End Property

    Private _classificationCode As Guid
    Public Property ClassificationCode() As Guid
        Get        Set
    End Property

End Class


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