Our users are all on Windows XP, and we're using the XamRibbonWindow (2011.1) in our app. We'd like to use the Office2010Blue theme, but when we do the window chrome isn't themed correctly like the other 2007-based themes are. Is this a known issue, and the 2010 themes aren't compatible with Windows XP, or do we need to do something extra to get it looking nice? Examples below...
Office2010Blue Theme:
Office2k7Blue theme:
Sample xaml:
<igRibbon:XamRibbonWindow x:Class="RibbonPrototype.NewWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:igRibbon="http://infragistics.com/Ribbon" Title="Xaml Ribbon Samples" Height="300" Width="600"> <igRibbon:RibbonWindowContentHost> <igRibbon:RibbonWindowContentHost.Ribbon> <igRibbon:XamRibbon Theme="Office2010Blue" DockPanel.Dock="Top"> </igRibbon:XamRibbon> </igRibbon:RibbonWindowContentHost.Ribbon> </igRibbon:RibbonWindowContentHost> </igRibbon:XamRibbonWindow>
It is designed that way because that is how Office 2010 works. The chrome of the xamRibbonWindow in a scenic theme is based on the current OS theme. I believe that technically you can still control what appears as the that "nonclient area" chrome since it is all provided in xaml. I believe if you look at the xaml that is provided there are Scenic specific resources - templates, styles, brushes in each of the OS specific xaml (i.e. sibling to the generic.xaml - luna.normal.xaml, etc.).
We have encountered the same behavior, and Infragistics noted that it works as designed.
Unfortunately, we want to control the chrome regardless of the OS of our app, so we could not take advantage of the scenic theme and instead have to go with the 2007 theme until we can find an alternative component that supports what we want to achieve.
I believe that is the correct behavior. Office 2010 doesn't use custom chrome like it did in Office 2007. Instead it uses a scenic ribbon like look where the QAT is displayed within the non-client area of the window - i.e. the non-client area honors the current OS theme whereas in Office 2007 the non-client area did not honor the OS non-client area appearance except when Aero glass was enabled. That is why the look of the window changes based on the OS theme (e.g. changing ffrom Aero to Aero Basic to Classic will change the look of the non-client area in Office 2010).