Hello Collin,
This technique might yield slightly better performance. However, this type of optimization already exists in the DataChart. The Dispatcher queue is used to limit the number of redraw operations that come when many datapoints are updated in a short time. The DataChart goes through the dispatcher queue to re-render changed data, so rapidly updating the datasource won’t cause the chart to update excessively. This happens regardless of the type of data source that is used.
However, throttling the PropertyChanged notifications to set interval like 50-100ms can improve the perceived performance of the chart. There is no throttling in ObservableCollectionExtended<T>.
ObservableCollectionExtended<T> is a derived ObservableCollection<T> that adds some extra functionality – e.g.
· (Begin|End)Update – These are helper methods that will suppress change notifications while the collection is changed between calls to BeginUpdate/EndUpdate.
· (Add|Insert)Range – Adds/inserts multiple items and then results in a Reset notification.
We don’t currently have any statistics specific to the performance of ObservableCollectionExtended when used as a data source for the XamDataChart.