I am trying to copy a XamDataChart to my clipboard, this is what i am currently using:
Dim OldSize As New Size(Me.ActualWidth, Me.ActualHeight) copyChart.Measure(New Size(Me.ActualWidth, Me.ActualHeight)) copyChart.Arrange(New Rect(0, 0, Me.ActualWidth, Me.ActualHeight)) Dim Tb As New RenderTargetBitmap(CInt(Me.ActualWidth), CInt(Me.ActualHeight), 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32) copyChart.UpdateLayout() Tb.Render(copyChart) Clipboard.SetImage(Tb)
Dim OldSize As New Size(Me.ActualWidth, Me.ActualHeight) copyChart.Measure(New Size(Me.ActualWidth, Me.ActualHeight)) copyChart.Arrange(New Rect(0, 0, Me.ActualWidth, Me.ActualHeight))
Dim Tb As New RenderTargetBitmap(CInt(Me.ActualWidth), CInt(Me.ActualHeight), 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32) copyChart.UpdateLayout() Tb.Render(copyChart) Clipboard.SetImage(Tb)
This creates the chart and copies it to the clipboard, but the lines aren't on there, and it's not drawn quite correctly...is there a quick snippet that will copy a chart to clipboard?
I'm on travel until tomorrow, so I'll see if i can work something up quickly...
if it helps, i'm actually creating a copy of the chart before attempting the screenshot via a copy constructor that recreates the series, so it's possible that I've got something wrong in that.
I have been looking into your description however I am not sure what might be wrong with your implementation. Would you please attach a test sample, so I can continue investigating into your specific scenario.
Thanks in advance. Looking forward to hearing from you.