I have a group of series on a XamDataChart and I am binding the visibility of each to checkboxes elsewhere in my window, using a converter from bool->visibility
The series visibility is updated as expected, and the series does disappear as expected, however, the Chart doesn't update it's layout, so if i have a series with a Y range of say 100-200, and another with a 0-100 range, and change the visibility of one, my Y range is still stuck from 0-200
I also tried using a multi-binding on the Datacontext of the series, so that the Datacontext is nothing when the visibility is collapsed, which works the same as the above...i'd like for it to update the range when a series isn't visible, and that doesn't seem to be working
On a side note, there may be a memory leak in here somewhere, because I was adding and removing large numbers of series, and they never got released, so I changed it to only add series as needed and never remove them
Thank you for the provided information. You can submit a feature request here: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx, or if you prefer I can submit a feature request for you.
Please let me know which is more convenient for you.
Developer Support Engineer
I am using 2011, with a .3 service release, i believe, which should be the latest. I'll see if i can get a sample, but since we got a workaround, we are moving forward, and have little time to make a sample. but the basic sequence of events is:
Add X number of ScatterLineSeries to chart
Remove all Series individually (for i=series.count-1 to 0 step -1, series.removeat(i))
We are using a memory profiler to look at the instances of each item, and the ScatterLineSeries are all sticking around after the clear
Where would i make a feature request? It is my opinion that this control should follow ALL of the other controls' visibility logic:
Visible = Shown and accounted for
Hidden = not shown, but all measure and layout methods "pretend" like it is shown
Collapsed = not shown, and no measure or layout methods use it in calculations
So if a line is Hidden, it should act like it currently does, however if a line is listed as Collapsed, it should adjust the measure.
Alternatively, there could be a chart property that can turn on or off the calculation method for non-visible lines
If you can provide a sample the replicates the memory leak, I'll have a look at it and see what we can do. Which version are you running currently? We've fixed a few leaks in the past so make sure you are running the latest service release for the version you are on, if possible.
Its the current design that if the series is in the chart its affecting the range of the axes, even though its not "visible". To have the axes update you would have to break the logical link between the chart and the series by taking it out of the chart or nullifying its axis properties.
I realize you want to do this with the visibility property because its (reasonably) easy to bind to. What I would do it make a feature request for an easy way to logically remove a series from the chart with a simple binding, and we'll see whether its most appropriate to do that with the visibility property, or some other mechanism.