I'm still in the process of evaluating these controls for my current project and I have a question.
I might find myself in a situation where I need to have multiple series on one chart bound to different collections.
ALL the sample I can find in the doc and the sample browser set the data context of the chart to a collection and then set each series simply to {Binding] ...
I have tried setting each series ItemSource property to bind to a different collection and then basically the chart renders nothing at all. Maybe I'm missing something obvious but a solution to this is neither immediately apparent of demonstrated in the samples provided.
Is this 'bending' the intended use of the chart or is this possible?
Will do, I've moved onto another problem at the moment! :)
No, you can certainly assign a different itemssource per series. Could you share the xaml or code you are using to set up the chart? There is probably some misconfiguration somewhere. Do you get any errors in the log from binding failures?