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XamDataChart Annotations


We are evaluating XamDataChart and considering to purchase the product. However, there is a single feature that we could not find support for. 

My  question is does the chart support annotations? (I mean user drawing trend line, fibonacci retracements, etc.)?

According to, this feature was not supported in 2010. Was the support added?

If yes, could you please provide a code snippet how to use it.

if no, could you please provide some guidance on how to implement it: what Canvas to use (e.g. custom series, or do you have smth built in), how to attach event handlers (to the main chart or to a canvas), how to make the annotations work in sync with built-in zooming / panning capabilities?

Thank you,

Adam K

  • 30692
    Offline posted


    There are still no native annotations in the chart. But if you look at the two links I shared in that post you linked to, you will see two different samples of how you can achieve annotations in application code. In the most recent versions of the chart, you're life is made a bit easier by the fact that the chart will raise an event called RefeshCompleted, whenever it updates its visual (this will happen as the zoom/pan changes, etc). So it should just be sufficient to listen for that event to know when to update your objects that are annotating the chart.

    I would recommend overlaying a canvas on the chart. Methods on the axes of the chart (ScaleValue UnscaleValue) should help you move from the axis values into the pixel space of the chart, or back from a mouse over coordinate into the axis values you are concerned with.

    For some annotations it may be worthwhile investigating doing a custom series type. But depending on the version you are targetting, and your requirements, it may turn out some of the functionality you need is sealed.

    Can you provide more information about what you are trying to accomplish? I may be able to help out with an example. Also, I'd recommend submitting feature requests for the types of annotations you would find most useful.

    Hope this helps!


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